Our Degree Program is through the  University of Natural Medicine Academic Faculty (UNMAF) and under the International Multidisciplinary Scientific Oganisation on Alternate and Natural Medicine (IMSO) of which this Institute and its Alma Mater the International Natural Therapists Organisations (INTO) are life members which is the mainstay of the W. G. Youngson & Associates Incorporation ref:12:12:1990.
Course Name

Bachelor of Natural Science

Bachelor of Natural Science with Honours

Entrance to this course requires the YCW Advanced Diploma of Applied Science. An Applicant who holds the ADAS(N) can update to the BNSc degree by adding the fee $ 600.00. If the applicant wishes to update to a BNSC(Hons) he/she may add the $ 700.00 fee. OR if a person holding a Grade 12 school diploma or matriculation wishes to study the complete Bachelor course, the fee would be $7600.00 for the Ordinary degree of $7750.00 for the Honours degree. This would include the GDNSc, ND, HD, DAScT, ADAS(N) and Bachelor components of our program.

The difference betwixt the Honours and the Ordinary degree would be based on quality of work, research techniques and academic assessors' report, especially with the Final Thesis which should be in a book form (i.e.) Front Cover, Preface, Dedication, List of Contents, Index, Bibliography et alia. Academic regalia available: gown and hood as optional extra fro graduates.





$ 750.00
$ 895.00



All prices are in US Dollars

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