Certificate Courses
Anatomy & Physiology
Herbal Medicine
Human Sciences
Natural Medicine, Science & Philosophy
Swedish Massage
Associate Diplomas
Herbal Medicine
Human Sciences
Iridological Sciences
Interpersonal Relationships
Remedial Massage
Youngson Institute of Natural Science
To help others help yourself - You never fail until you stop trying
This Institute offers a realistic opportunity
for the populace at large to study and qualify
in Natural Medicine, its Sciences and Philosophy
(NMSP) as a totally competent Natural Therapist
by Distance Education.
Study Natural Therapies By Distance Education
If you would like a copy of
Courses Bulletin
#40 sent to you,
please phone, fax or E-mail your Name,
Postal Address and Contact phone number to:-
(this is only for the purpose of sending the Bulletin to you via the regular mail)
The Dean of Studies
20 Sin Ming Lane #06-55 Midview City,
Singapore 573968
To Contact Us
Head Office :
20 Sin Ming Lane #06-55 Midview City,
Singapore 573968
Telephone: (65) 6323 6652
International +65
6323 6652
Dean of Studies: Prof Sundardas D.Annamalay ND, PhD, MD(MA), DSc
E-mail Address: admin@naturaltherapies.com
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The following syndicated copyright material belongs wholly and solely with W.G. Youngson & Associates Inc which incorporates the Youngson Institute of Natural Sciences (YINS Australia) with Colleges Worldwide (YCW), the University of Natural Medicine (UNM) represented by their Alma Mater and Alumni Association known as the International Natural Therapists Organisation (INTO). Copyright 1980 - 2030 inclusive.
Any breach of copyright shall be dealt with at law.
WGY & A Inc. is not, by choice, an allopathic or legal firm. It is a bonafide business enterprise promoting Natural Medicine, its Sciences and Philosophy, and by choice our group is not involved with VETEC in any way shape or form.
Accredited and affiliated with: ARNT, AAANZA, NPA Inc. and the NZ charter of Health Practitioners Inc.(Australasia), INTO (Australasia), BGDP and R (United Kingdom),IAMA/IBAM( India)MAI-OUICM (Sri Lanka), Member of ODLAA. and ICDE., Academic and Educational Consultants to the Natural Medicine, Science and Philosophy (NMSP) Profession.
An international Multidisplinary Scientific Organisation with duly copyrighted material © WGY&A Inc. 1980-2030
This Website has been designed and created by Andrea Langham BNSc(Hons),ND, MINTO for
Yins Colleges Worldwide and copyrighted for her by © WGY&A Inc.